Fri, 03/28/2025 - 1:00pm to 4:15pm
Lived Experience with Traumatic Brain Injury, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and other Disturbances of the Central Nervous System
(Aidan Larson, ArizonaLEND Alum & LEND Faculty, Jaclyn Larson, MPH; ArizonaLEND Alum & LEND Faculty, Curby Sickmon, MEd)
- Impact of trauma on areas of the brain and how that affects development.
- Insights from TBI survivors and families.
Fellow led Discussion of “Where is the Mango Princess” by Cathy Crimmins
- Discussion using the ORAM descriptive process (Objective of the book; personal Reflection; Application; and Meaning (larger relevance). In Class Discussion Groups
Event Location:
HSIB Room 567
Event Category:
Faculty Presenter:
Jaclyn Larson, MPH
Curby Sickmon