Leadership Theory, Provider Advocacy

Fri, 11/20/2020 - 1:00pm to 4:15pm


Leadership Theory, Provider Advocacy

(Cristina Castañeda and Chelsey Tarazi)

Provider Advocacy:

  • Pre and Post Test
  • How a Bill Becomes Law
  • Provider Advocacy

Leadership:     Disability Laws and Reality outside the U.S.

  • Leadership in Culturally Diverse Environments
  • Overview of Legal Systems & International framework
  • Guest Speakers from each country will join and offer their perspectives on the following:
    • Overview of the process to enact a law in their countries - comparing to US (how a bill becomes a law)
    • Disability laws/protections and whether they are typically complied with or enforced
    • Cultural approach to disability from a personal and community perspective within their countries


Required Module for Policy Portion of Seminar:

Autism CARES 101: 


Event Location: 
Event Category: 